Total Solar Eclipse tomorrow! Biggest of the century. [Go HERE to read more about it.]
Actually, I didn't even know about it till a few hours ago. I thought school was starting an hour late tomorrow because of the CBSE compartment exams or something. A 10thie enlightened me. Kids never leave a chance to run you down. = /
Anyway! I'm going to watch it. Through a pinhole camera, ofcourse. Not that stoopid. [Tangent: "Stupid" looks so much better when you type it with two 'o's instead of one 'u'.] How I'll get a pinhole camera, you ask? Why, I'm going to make one myself! From a Pringles ka khaali dabba. Made one for my 8th grade Science Project. Fuuun!
[Learn how to make a Pringles Pinhole Camera HERE.]
I'm going to bike around town tomorrow morning till it's time for the eclipse. Then, I'ma cyckle to the Sector 16 vaali market and watch it with E [the 10thie]. And eat my all-time fave combo of Coke + Lays Magic Masala. Then, I'm going to have to go back home and go to school. Sheh!
Speaking of which. My English teacher [who is also my Class Teacher] is a bitch. No, scratch that. A vindictive, crafty, frustrated, petty bitch. Bittu The Bitch for short. She's after mine and S's lives! Had kardi! It's like she's waiting for us to to even think about breaking her rules [which are just a pathetic excuse for her to be able to ruin our lives so she can distract herself from her sad, sad life] so she can pounce on us and threaten to call home.
Leh. Ismein kya hai? Karle phone! Tujhe hi jhaad padegi! Heh. Ma's ready to gun her down. Contemplating suing her for causing me mental trauma. Ahaha! Seriously, yaar. Mallab she has a problem with me drinking water in class! Says it "distracts" her. A more disturbing thing, I haven't heard. What, the sight of me tilting my head back and pouring cold, sweet water into my open mouth renders her speechless? She loses all conscious thought? Mental.
Actually, I didn't even know about it till a few hours ago. I thought school was starting an hour late tomorrow because of the CBSE compartment exams or something. A 10thie enlightened me. Kids never leave a chance to run you down. = /
Anyway! I'm going to watch it. Through a pinhole camera, ofcourse. Not that stoopid. [Tangent: "Stupid" looks so much better when you type it with two 'o's instead of one 'u'.] How I'll get a pinhole camera, you ask? Why, I'm going to make one myself! From a Pringles ka khaali dabba. Made one for my 8th grade Science Project. Fuuun!
[Learn how to make a Pringles Pinhole Camera HERE.]
I'm going to bike around town tomorrow morning till it's time for the eclipse. Then, I'ma cyckle to the Sector 16 vaali market and watch it with E [the 10thie]. And eat my all-time fave combo of Coke + Lays Magic Masala. Then, I'm going to have to go back home and go to school. Sheh!
Speaking of which. My English teacher [who is also my Class Teacher] is a bitch. No, scratch that. A vindictive, crafty, frustrated, petty bitch. Bittu The Bitch for short. She's after mine and S's lives! Had kardi! It's like she's waiting for us to to even think about breaking her rules [which are just a pathetic excuse for her to be able to ruin our lives so she can distract herself from her sad, sad life] so she can pounce on us and threaten to call home.
Leh. Ismein kya hai? Karle phone! Tujhe hi jhaad padegi! Heh. Ma's ready to gun her down. Contemplating suing her for causing me mental trauma. Ahaha! Seriously, yaar. Mallab she has a problem with me drinking water in class! Says it "distracts" her. A more disturbing thing, I haven't heard. What, the sight of me tilting my head back and pouring cold, sweet water into my open mouth renders her speechless? She loses all conscious thought? Mental.
Chalo. Time for me to go and try to follow my timetable for today. Keyword: "try".
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