Monday, May 9, 2011

Stuff and Bother

University exams begin in two days and all I can think about is chilling after they get over. Not the best way to go about them, I know. Normally, I’d be staying up all night trying to grasp whatever’s been taught the whole year. But, somehow, the exam pressure isn’t getting to me this time.

This is also the first time I’ve lost weight while preparing for a set  of exams. I usually bloat up because my diet consists of chips and Coke during this period.

Gah, nothing’s happening in my life. Apart from a dream I had that turned out be a premonition. Freaky. But, freakier than that was the fact that I liked feeling that all was lost. I think I might be the teensiest bit masochistic.

I’ve been in a mellow mood for the longest time. Been listening to a lot of Eric Clapton [If I Could Change The World] and Norah Jones [What Am I To You]. And ofcourse, Jiyein Kyun. That song makes me yearn..for what, I haven’t figured out, yet.

Gotta get back to Macroeconomics, now. Later, alligator!