Thursday, December 29, 2011

Can Spring be far behind?

Life is weird right now. On the surface, I’m functioning just fine. My mind, though, is a little screwed up. It’s like everything’s been put into perspective.

I hate the “Hope is Real” ads. This contradicts the title of this post, I know. But, there’s a cocktail of emotions inside me and I just want to get them all out. Anyway, I hate those ads. Statistics can be twisted to provide comfort. Hell, life is just a play on statistics. Birth rate, death rate, IMR, life expectancy.

I don’t know how people can believe in God. Religion is just another form of comfort. And don’t even get me started on astrology and kundlis. Sab bakwaas hai.

I’m aware that I sound borderline crazy. This, too, shall pass.

The Wilhelm Scream–James Blake.