Monday, October 22, 2012

Cleaning Out My Closet

I was re-organizing my wardrobe today and realized that I am the definition of a hoarder. It is physically impossible for me to give away my clothes, no matter how old they are. As a result, there is virtually no space in my almirah for any more. The most I can do is shift around what I wear on a more regular basis and keep the abandoned - but still emotionally valuable - stuff at the back.

I wonder why that is, though. Every time I set out to reduce my clutter, I end up finding excuses to keep it after all. For some things, it's understandable. Like certain t-shirts that I stole from Gautam. Those, I'm never letting go.

But, stuff like..okay, I can't think of anything that I don't have a reason to keep. Like the Athens Olympics t-shirt from 2004 that my Nanaji got me when he went to Greece to watch the games. Or the Pure Panjabi t-shirt I bought in the 9th grade which is absolutely faded and frayed, but I still can't seem to stop wearing. [What, it's a cool t-shirt!]

Sigh. I guess I'll just have to get myself a huge ass walk-in wardrobe when I own my own house.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Sun Must Set to Rise.

"A mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven."
- John Milton, Paradise Lost

You know what they say about songs having memories attached to them? How a song will always remind you of a certain time and place and feeling that you associate with it?

I've learnt that it's possible to change that. It's like this quote I read somewhere - "Have you ever read a book twice? Books change every time you read them." [Googled it; it's from The Never Ending Story II: The Next Chapter (1990)]

It's true, you know. At the time, you think this song, this feeling, this place will always mean the same thing to me some years down the line as it does right now. But, it doesn't. People change. We grow up, we grow out of things. Hell, studies have shown that even memories change. []

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm glad the human mind is complex enough to be ever-changing. It means there will come a time when I can finally start listening to some of my favourite songs without being reminded of things I'd rather forget.