Sunday, December 26, 2010

You know what I hate?



I’ve come to realize that I have zero patience. I hate not having what I want when I want it. I plan for the future, yes. But, if I had it my way, I wouldn’t have to because the future would mean right now.

I hate call-waiting with a passion. If I want to talk to someone, I should be put through to them when I call them – after half a ring. The ‘put on hold’ option shouldn’t even exist when someone’s talking to me on the phone. Don’t even talk to me about people not calling back when it’s their turn to.

You know how when you’re almost-best friends with someone you take turns to call each other? Like if they call you once, you call them the next time and vice versa? I hate when people don’t do that. Because I always end up calling/texting even though I did so the last, say, three times and that upsets the whole power-balance in the relationship.

Yes, I think about power-balances even though I’m only eighteen. Yet another back-handed advantage of being a Capricorn.


  1. You know how irritating YOU are when YOU put people on hold all the time? Remember your eighteenth when you made your two best friends hold the line while you accepted wishes from the WHOLE world?

  2. Oh, sheddap. I did that to get rid of the rest so I could talk to the two of you aaraam se!

  3. oh god, i totally agree about the call-waiting thing. and the power-balance thing. but then, I'm a capricorn too. and don't i love it? ;)
