Friday, July 12, 2013

Waiting for a Miracle.

Well, I'm in Mumbai. [Yes, this is me shamelessly ripping off a Raghu Dixit song. Whatever. It fits.]

It's been about two weeks and everything is still shiny and new. As someone said yesterday, it's raining elephants and giraffes, not cats and dogs. I'm not even tired of the incessant rain, right now. Let's hope it stays that way.

College is fun. Learning shitloads every single day and I wouldn't have it any other way. I was apprehensive of my ability to sit still in my chair for multiple two-hour sessions everyday, but I surprised myself. It probably has to do with the teaching style being interactive here. That coupled with the fact that this subject really interests me. So, y'know. 

I'm still discovering Bombay. Last Sunday, I spent three hours in the early morning just walking around and watching the city wake up around me. I think I'm going to do it again this Sunday. 

My Saturdays are working, so it limits the scope of the weekend. Still, I try and make the most of it. 

One phrase I'm really getting tired of, though, is "out of the box". Oh, Lord. You'd think advertising people would at least try to be a little more diverse in their choice of words. 

Time for a jog, now. 
