Sunday, July 31, 2011

It’s gonna be a bright, bright, bright sunshiny day

I’m in a funny sort of mood. Things have not exactly been going the way I want them to, but for some strange reason, I’m starting not to care either way. So, even though I didn’t do so great on my exams and the guy I like thought he liked me and then realized he didn’t, you’ll find me saying, “chalo, koi ni” and moving on.

I don’t know if it’s a good thing that nothing deters me or if it’s bad because it means that things don’t affect me anymore.

Actually, things do affect me. Too much, maybe. For all my pessimistic statements about nothing ever turning out right, there’s another voice inside me that hopes that the tide will turn in my favour, this time. Even after all the disappointments I’ve faced, I know tomorrow will be a better day.



Aayehaaye, I just re-read what I’ve written and I sound like such an angsty teenager. Time to go slap myself.

P.S. I’d tweeted about writing a review on the latest Harry Potter movie. Ended up not writing it, as is obvious. Nothing beats the books. ‘nuff said.