Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Rich told me recently that I whine a lot. I guess it’s true. I also don’t usually appreciate what I have until after I have little or no access to it. Clean laundry, for example. When I lived at home, I thought it’d be cool to do my own laundry. I don’t like the idea of giving my clothes to a dhobi because invariably, they will be damaged. Now that I have to do it myself, I realise how much of a pain it actually is. And I whine about it. [Which reminds me, I saw ads for a laundromat near college, today! Washing machines, how I’ve missed thee.]

One other thing I always whine about is my hair. My disgustingly frizzy hair which I just tie up into a knot most days because I can’t be bothered with it. So, I decided to stop the whining and actually do something about it.  

I took out my scissors, grabbed random bits of hair and cut it. The end result is not half-bad. It’s like Becca Moody’s.

I wish I looked good in really short hair, though. I don’t have the patience to deal with my hair in the morning. I used to have a “boy cut” for 4 years – vo bhi  in that awkward puberty-stricken phase – and when I look at pictures from back then, I cringe my face off.

It was only the memory of that time that stopped me from going crazy with the scissors. Once I start cutting, it’s really hard for me to stop. There’s something so…satisfying about the crunch-crunch sound of hair being cut. Reminds me of that Courage The Cowardly Dog episode when a really weird guy comes to stay with Muriel and Eustace and shaves off all of Courage’s fur.

Anyway, I feel like a cool new person, now. xD

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