Thursday, January 20, 2011

Binge for life.

"I'm on the C-food diet. I see food and I eat it."

This old SMS joke is *so* apt for my situation right now. I've been eating everything I lay my eyes on ever since the exams started. Binge eating has always been a side-effect of exam nerves for me.

But, enough is enough. Starting tomorrow, I'm going to get up early and exercise before going to college. Time to lose the winter fat. Summer's not so far away!

That last sentence reminds me of Ode To The West Wind. [If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?] Why do poets always correlate winter to death and summer to life? Granted plants wither and die in winter. And lot of animals are known to hibernate then. Also, migration of birds and stuff.

Okay, that's a pretty strong back-up for that analogy. But, still! I happen to *like* the cold. It makes me want to snuggle up in my razai with a good book and a hot cup of chai on my bedside table. 'Tis the season for bear hugs and not caring about what you're eating because you're going to be bundled up in a lot of clothes, anyway.

Besides. Most of the major holidays in the year lie in the cold months. Christmas - when Jesus Christ was born. Life, anyone? Diwali - when Lord Ram came back to Ayodhya after waging perhaps the toughest battle of his life. He came out *alive*. [I don't really know a lot about other religions so, forgive me.]

So, where does the death thing come in?


  1. I like the cold too! But half the known poets are English. Except for people like Robert Frost. Who was American.
    So my theory is, they are all bored by winter cuz they have cold clammy weather there ALL the time. For them, summer is cheerful and fun and sunny and tanny. Hence maybe. :)

  2. Haha, you're probably right! Season-haters kahin ke. xP
