Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Okay. Day's not so bad.

There's this guy in my accounts and maths tuition.

Tall(er than me. I think.). With 1/(cos c) hair. [sec c = 1/(cos c). Geddit?!] Strong jaw. Hottie vaala face. And very cute gluteus maximus.

We've been talking a lot lately. Sitting together for tuition and all and cracking jokes the whole time. The inevitable happened. Boy-crazy that I am, I developed a crush on him. Which just might be reciprocated, judging by today's happenings.

See. I have Eco tuition at the same place as we have Accounts together immediately after, wokay. So, he goes back after Accounts and I stay on for Eco. The same happened today. The only difference being that when I came out after Eco, he was standing there with his car keys in his hand.

Long story short, he'd driven back to ask me to come half an hour early tomorrow so he could copy my Maths assignment. Oh, and we're not going to sit in class and do it. [Because my maths tutor has a weird habit of spouting his Urdu lessons to people who come early.] Prolly in his car. And I should also mention that a couple of his friends come for tuition, too. He could've easily asked them.



  1. Hey there!
    Random comment .. Was just passing by ..
    Good luck with the guy!
    Drop by sometime (:

  2. somethings definitely going on here.. Good luck...keep us updated...

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  3. DUDE! WHAT is this GUY?! WHY didn't he DO anything!!? CREEEPP!!!!!!

  4. Ahahahahah! React late much, loser?! XP
