Sunday, October 18, 2009

Grow UP.

Why why WHY does this happen?

Just when I finally start to really like a guy, I find something about him that puts me off. I mean, I know Rocky thinks grammar is of absolutely no use while writing and he uses those annoying short forms like "ma" for "my" and "da" for "the" on facebook. Also, almost everything he posts on his guy friends' walls is followed by "bro". Case in point: "Thanx bro. How are you bro?" Ugh.

And that's okay. Loads of people write like that. S'not a problem. But, what I found out IS.

He's shorter than me.

I know, I know. You're prolly wondering why I hadn't noticed that in all this while. The thing is, we're almost always sitting. In tuition. Even when we're waiting to be picked up outside tuition, we're always sitting on somebody or the other's scooty or on the steps or something. Or one of us is sitting and the other is standing. And he looked tall enough. Imagine my surprise when I stand next to him and find that he doesn't come up to the mark. Quite literally.

I'm 5'8" and a half. And I've always been kinda conscious of my height. [That and my shoe size, 9. S'not MY fault I'm tall. And it's not really an anomaly! Bloody shopkeepers with their astonished looks and "itna BADA pair kaise kar liya aapne?!" Nonsense.] Ek to because I was always the tallest one in my class in Sanskriti. [Didn't matter so much in Carmel, because all of us were kids, then. So.] I was the tallest till the 9th gade when everybody started shooting up. Thank God. [There was only ONE guy who was always taller than me. He was my crush to end all crushes. Liked him for 3 bloody years. He's gone and turned into a jerk, now. But, whatever.]

The point is, I always used to WAIT for the 11th and 12th grades because I thought I wouldn't be the tallest one anymore. But then, we shifted to Chandigarh. And I got admitted into an all-girls school. So, yeah. I'm the tallest again. [Along with another girl who has the same first name as mine. What's in a name, my ass. Maybe it is the name.]

All my hopes rest on college, now. 5 months to go...


  1. Oh jeez. And here I am, WANTING to be taller.
    I'm not your height. So maybe that's why.
    But I never thought your height would've been a problem.

    I face the same problem with shoes, btw. Mine's size 8. :)

  2. Yeah, well. The grass is always greener on the side, eh? Heh.

    I HATE shoe shopping. The only shoes I find easily are Crocs. So, I already have like 5 pairs. But, who cares? Crocs are cool. X]

  3. Hello :)
    Wow .. Now this is some dillema :/ I always have to worry about guys being WAY taller than me lol .. But I agree with you, college is your only hope now. You'll find lots of cute, tall guys there :)

  4. @Ankita 'ello! Heh. Yeah, hopefully! *crosses all appendages*
